Bag packing is a great way to raise money for your target and it is relatively easy!
Why do bag packing?
It involves relatively little preparation, past volunteers have been able to raise over £300 from one days bag packing and if you are going overseas as part of a university group you can do it in a team with other VESL volunteers.
“The volunteers sent letters out to most of the local supermarkets and were offered a bag packing opportunity at Morrisons. To ensure we looked the part Katie, one of the volunteers, organised some (£15) t-shirts made with the VESL logo, our names and “Keele 2012″ printed on them, they look very swanky! With help from a few friends and family the bag pack went on from 10am until 4pm and in total the volunteers raised £324, which isn’t bad going for a day’s work!” Ethan Clarke, Student Leader 2012.
What do I need to do to prepare?
- Buy some charity collection boxes so you look official and print out the VESL logo and stick them on, you could also add some pictures from the website.
- Take some VESL leaflets with you for people who want to find out more information about the charity
- You could make some t-shirts to wear so you are easily identifiable, alternatively you could make some badges
- Contact your local press, the supermarket will be even happier if you have press behind you as it increases their profile in the local community
- Recruit a team of people who can help you
On the day
Assign each of your helpers a till and a donation box, ask them to speak to each customer and ask if they would like their bags packed and explain a bit about the charity/your trip (make sure your helpers know enough!), once you have packed their bags ask for a donation – every little helps!
Good Luck!!
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